Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Flat Bollinger Band System

,ArticleFlat Bollinger Band (BB) System. For the basic we use TF H1.

Parameters for H1 as below:

Bollinger Band 24 (24 hour) for daily apply HLCC/4
Bollinger Band 120 (120 hour) for weekly apply HLCC/4
Bollinger Band 480 (480 hour) for monthly apply HLCC/4

Then check, any one of that three BB is in FLAT condition?

If no one FLAT you need to wait or go to others pairs.

If you found one of three BB is FLAT! then... Check the price position!

Is price now on the lower or upper area of that FLAT BB? If yes.. check is the price now rebound? If Yes you can entry here.

How do we know she is now rebound? Until this point actually we can use any indicator. The very important is, now we know that BB is FLAT and we know the price position!

But normally we use Simple Moving Average (SMA) only. In H1 We can use MA4 cross MA8 and entry. Sorry for MACD below, actually that is not use! But if you want to use MACD plase set parameter to 4,8,1 (for H1 only)

If you want to entry in M15 you can use MA16 cross MA32 (H1 = 4 x M15) or MACD 16,32,1


Movement on the Market only three: UP - DOWN - FLAT.
All uptrend or down trend starting from FLAT!

for more discution  H E R E . . .

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